Addiction Recovery Support: Building Trust and Long-Term Relationships

“Don’t lie,” pt 2. I was hanging out with a friend last week who was in some pretty heavy, and understandable, distress. I told him, “Look, I can’t promise you we can fix this, but I can promise you we’ll walk with you in it as long as you want.” He said, “You’re the first person to tell me they don’t know if they can fix me; you I’ll trust.”
The greatest poverty in this part of the world is the poverty of relationship and while I am all about encouragement, making promises you both know you have little control over only undermines trust. It’s okay to not have all the answers, to not know the future. It’s even okay to sit and listen without correcting everything. Sometimes your presence and attention does more good than all the wisdom you can throw at people. Don’t just be dedicated to the “suddenly” miracles but to the long haul as well.
We are on your side. 321 Talbot St. St Thomas, right beside the Grace Cafe. 226-896-0080.